Sunday, June 19, 2022

Original Being

Original being:

words are vibrations, of course everything is a vibration of some degree, with matter being slower to the point of appearing solid and words more subtle in their nature. In meditation, particularly in the form that I practice, we use a mantra particular in its resonance, aligned to the moment of birth and lunar cycle, a vibration of our moment that we came into the world. Repeating this mantra, easily and without concentration or effort, is a return to our natural state of being. Or perhaps it's better stated that there's the perception of a return - and what's seen more clearly with the mantra's use is that we've never really left this state at all, our vibrational quality only shifted to a more mundane relation to reality. Our mantra doesn't return us anywhere, it simply shifts us once more to the quiet point of who we really are. We vibrate as our original being. 

this is where I like to write from, whenever possible at least, immediately from meditation cushion to desk, and allowing any words to find me here. This could be liken to the law of attraction, not in the New Age concept of manifestation of my desires, but in the sense of a quiet mind being more open and allowing in its reception, attracting words of a similar vibrational nature. It seems to work for me, my writing is always a joy and words seem to easily appear exactly as I need them. 

it's writing from original being. 

vibrations, meditation, and the use of mantra - this shows us a creative universe, everything manifested by some design and from an infinite source of possibilities. It's the state of original being, and it's only by forgetting this that we remain trapped within a mundane view of the world. The truth is that it's all and always a miraculous world, full of grace and beauty, and what seems terribly destructive is only the nature of creation. In this sense we vibrate as Shiva, destroyer of worlds and from this point we also give cause for their creation. It's all from the level of the mind, an empty page serving as an extension our original being, emptiness being most subtle of all vibrations and words will surely flow to create another written world purely from our imagination. 

we write as Shiva...

our original being.

emptiness, vibrations, mantras...all giving cause to another written world. 


Peace, Eric 

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