Thursday, June 16, 2022

Every Inquiry

Every inquiry: 

 and as with every inquiry it's soon realized that we live in mystery and that no answer will ever really satisfies our sense of curiosity concerning to the world around us. Most especially this pertains to matters of reality and the inner world of mind and spirit, being seekers it seems by our very nature. This is where inquiry leaves us, directly in the midst of mystery, content, and even happy with the paradox of our conclusions. Our answers are held lightly, easily let go in another moment's exploration. We aren't really seeking the end to mystery, but simply noting our temporary position in its hold, ready for one more revelation shared and further prove that mystery itself is our only true home. 

every inquiry leads us here...

directly where we always are. 

this too is the path and art of meditation, not to find ourselves anywhere else but here, the present moment of mantra, breath, and inspiration. Meditation is really the end result of every inquiry, no longer in pursuit of mystery, we are now resting now in the awareness of its revelation, not really seekers anymore but explorers of surroundings. Inquiry and meditation are seamless in their flow together, one always leading to the other for the further cause of mystery being known as our existence. 

it seems mystery never reaches a conclusion.

and so our every inquiry is continuous in its function, offering a glimpse more of this never ending mystery and then the opportunity to sit within the deep relaxation of its present revelation. This is the process of spiritual living, not seeking certainty and absolute answers to questions of reality, but the acceptance of our paradoxical nature, no, not really acceptance, but the excitement of never truly knowing ourselves completely... 

that our every inquiry is actually the very process and motion of  displaying who we really are,being mystery in the show of grace and revelation. 

every inquiry shows us who we are.


Peace, Eric 

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