Saturday, June 18, 2022

In Essence

Prayer in essence:

in essence, and perhaps that's really the only way for me to write of prayer, dismissing form and any methods used and getting directly to the essence of this pure and holy communication. Prayer is simply life in a call and response to matters of importance, it's devotion shown to a greater aspect of ourselves, and an eventual reach of silence where our truest voice is heard. Prayer in essence - is a conversation of self and world taken to the point of intimacy so clear and deep that words are simply no longer ever needed. essence,

is who we are.

yet it's not often seen this way, mostly shown as asking for a preference to be granted, for needs to met and answers given. But even petitionary prayers are more truly a form of self-communication, an inward search directed outward to the heavens. As our prayers deepen to a sense of quiet listening, the tenderness of our request and the need for answers breaks us completely open to the point of being without of any sure directions.

heaven no longer a place beyond us.

our every prayer in essence...

already answered.

so prayer, at least in my description here, is simply a means to reach that quiet point of true listening, our voice being carried to a deeper place within us, awakening heaven as an inner sense of being, and now content to live a life without the need of certainty and answers. Prayer, in essence than, is really and only mystery in communication with itself, silence being the comfort of its voice, and our every call is just to beckon its attention.

in essence,

prayer is the mystery of who we are...

in communication with ourselves. 


Peace, Eric 

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