Wednesday, June 15, 2022

A Deep Rest

A deep rest: 

using a mantra is a continuous meditation of surrender, a soft release of everything but the the faint idea of certain words vibrating through the mind, and even this is an eventual letting go that happens completely on its own. When first meditating, or even years after it sometimes seems, there is a wish to hold fast to the mantra, clinging for the sake of keeping thoughts at bay. Yet this isn't an effort of concentration, nor a mindful method of noting when thoughts appear - it's the easy repetition of words without a given meaning, chosen for vibrational quality alone, and there's no concern for whatever thoughts appears, nor an attempt to establish a specific rhythm to the mantra's flow. 

it's a deep rest of our continuous surrender.

a practice,

and the mantra is its own perfection.

that's it really, exactly how to meditate, fully surrendering to the mantra and allowing ourselves to be carried by it's flow, unconcerned with any final destination. The mantra is just a thought vibration, a vehicle of self navigation, and each repetition is our immediate arrival to the present moment, peaceful even amidst the turmoil of a racing mind. We think the mantra and it's instantly let go, that's all we do, near effortless, and the result is simply and only the surrender of that one repetition, nothing more is expected. 

and so we return once more to the mantra.

a continuous meditation of surrender. 

this simple, easy practice is profound in it's realization - a release of needing to control our minds, allowing thoughts to exist and pass without the influence of our judgement. We just think the mantra, again that's all we do, and even this is done without force or concentration, a thought released and we are then carried by the ease of its vibration. It's the deep rest of a continuous surrender, effortless, one thought, immediately let go...


Peace, Eric  

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