Monday, May 2, 2022

World Turns Green

World turns green: 

this is when the world turns green and bright with colors that display the vibrancy of life, it's the show of winter's dormant worth through another seasons gain. Winter appears barren for certain trees and plants, yet life is simply slowed for their protection, a forest's deep rest before again this vibrant green returns and wakes my world from its own seeming slumber. I come alive in the warmth and green of spring and early summer, a cold depression lifted by the reach of verdant branches and the fractals they display, by the nearness of sun touched against my skin. 

my soul is reawakened as the world turns green.

winter has its beauty, stark lines of empty branches framed against the sky, earth itself unadorned and offered in the innocence of its deep rest, it's vibrancy shown in slumber. I find beauty in winter, creativity, and my own slower pace of moving through the season is healing in its way. There is a need for winter, the rest of spirit and body that it provides, a preparation for another season's warmth and color. Life is seen more clearly through the aspects of its change, its continuation through each season, from subtle displays of winter to the full show of spring's verdant offer. 

everything belongs, for whatever length its season.

but knowing this doesn't always help my soul through winter, as cold touches deep and my body yearns for longer days of sun, for just a light touch of warmth, or a small show of green. Winter seems a longer season for me now, a bit harder on both spirit and my body. And following seasonal patterns I find myself withdrawing deep within, offering my own stark lines, protecting myself against the worlds cold touch and loss of vibrant color. It's a hard season for so many. 

and as the world turns green...we celebrate springs's return. 

the sun is that much nearer, more warmth given to its touch, and those once stark lines of branches are now blooming in green leaves and the blossoms of their nature. It's a season of renewal. Of course there is no lasting season, there is always change and motion, a fast approach of summer, autumn, and another winter always follows. My approach is to simply live within the present season, colder months are over now, it's spring, and the world turns green with grace and wonder. 

that's enough for me right now. 


Peace, Eric 

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