Friday, May 13, 2022



listening to rainfall this morning, a steady storm just before dawn, muting the normal early sounds that normally greet me. Just now the rain subsides and a lone bird sings note of it, and with no immediate reply silence returns for a long moment before the bird again gives voice. There has never been a morning quite like this before, similar perhaps in circumstance, yet the arrangement of rainfall and the following silence, single birdsong, and the value of my listening - there's a certain magic now to it all, everything belonging so perfect to the moment. I'm struck by the beauty of the world, appreciative that I somehow gave notice to the quality of the morning...

that my listening was essential for things to be this way. 

of course every moment has its magic too, it's own strange and raw beauty that often passes our attention - each instant is unique in what it offers. We are participants in this magic, always, even if we fail to notice, our presence is required for some alchemical process to occur, that just by being present, aware, we somehow add to the quality of the moment. 

again, we are essential for things to be exactly as they are.

the world transforms through this awareness.

yet not to imply that this happens through our individual action, or that any separation exists between awareness and what occurs. No, this all far too seamless, our presence simply belonging to the exactness of the moment, a quality shown within endless layers of other qualities appearing too. What I noticed this morning was rainfall, a single bird call and the silence in reply, all qualities of the moment, and that I am joined through listening, seamless, a quality too appearing through awareness, unique, but in no way separate from what's occurring. 

listing to rainfall...and I hear my own belonging. 

just a subtle quality too. 


Peace, Eric 

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