Thursday, May 19, 2022

Inherent Enlightenment

Inherent enlightenment: 

thoughts are let go, allowed in their particular moment, and then simply an easy return to mantra - that's the entire process of meditation, nothing difficult in its performance, no effort or concentration applied. Yet it's profound in the quality of its experience, leading to depths of stillness not readily revealed to my ordinary state of mind. I'm going to refer to the early Zen master Dogen here, although a different meditation practice, the intent and description is clear in his explanation of inherent enlightenment, that all of nature is inherently enlightened and that sitting meditation is just the rediscovery and demonstration of this direct experience of our true nature. 

nothing is gained through meditation. 

and yet...

there is so much revealed through the act of sitting quietly, not forcing thoughts away, but not actively engaging with them either, relaxed in the simplicity of this practice. Nothing is forced in meditation, at least not the method that I practice, it's not a strict protocol of mindfulness, watchful for a thoughts appearance. This is a joyful approach, sitting with a mantra that vibrates through my entire world of being, straight to soul and even further still. 

it's my inherent enlightenment - displayed.

of course meditation is the means to our inherent enlightenment, as it has been through the ages and it will always be so. But it is not the only way, every act performed with loving intent demonstrates our true nature, anything pure in action, devoted to its cause, it's all our inherent enlightenment displayed. My practice is meditation, and through sitting I see the aspects of my life unfold with this awareness, everything becomes involved the present demonstration of my nature. 



Peace, Eric 

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