Friday, May 20, 2022

Law of Attraction

Law of attraction: 

that it all seems too spontaneous to ever possibly manage, life occurring so magically through both appearance and surrender, and that even our state of witness is simply arsing in this mystery. If there is a law of attraction than it's already now in action, life attracting all it ever needs for the continuation of its being, and our key role through this is to know that we belong, essential by virtue and simplicity of our appearance. We are part of this action, attracting all we truly need as well, air drawn naturally as breath, rainfall at the ready for our thirst, and the sun measured to the perfect distance for life to flourish. If there is a law of attraction...

we are already blessed, indeed.

with this it might be best to not interfere, trusting in the spontaneous attraction to provide our needs, offering least resistance by surrendering our demands and petty wishes. Perhaps the universe knows best in its care, giving us life and the means of its conditions, and all without a single point of our negotiations. This is the law of attraction through its grandest order, the universe itself providing us home and certain care, all we need is given, and our only role now is to follow suit, to be instruments of aide and compassionate service for benefit others. 

if there is a law of attraction than we are part of its action, not only of receiving but through all we offer to each other, to the world itself and the details that truly matter. We are not separate from any law or aspect of the universe, no, we are an manifestation of its will, part of its grand design even if spontaneous in our appearance. We are meant to be here, and the proof of this is that we are, and all that matters now is to embrace ourselves as essential to life's purpose. 

it seems to me that perhaps a greater law is one of expression, that life's purpose is designed for the temporary qualities of every moment to be shown, artful, and that our appearance is simply one of joy and wonder, finding ourselves aware of the uniqueness of our position. Of course I don't know anything for certain, and my every surmise is for myself alone, written and shared to fulfill the law of this expression. I am provided with desk and keyboards, an office to write from, coffee for my enjoyment, and a moment free to write my thoughts. Everything needed for me to write was attracted to this moment and this includes the appearance of an author. 

it's the law of attraction...



Peace, Eric 

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