Tuesday, May 24, 2022



my own view tends towards pantheism, that the universe itself is conscious, vibrant and alive, and I have no issue if anyone wishes to call this God. I base this on my own felt sense of awareness, deep meditation confirming what the ancient seers have reported, holy texts have stated, and even some modern physicist and neuroscientist have come to believe.  This is a little different view than panpsychism, which holds that distinct and separate minds collectively constitute consciousness, levels of awareness found through stages of life's evolution. I find it a valid point as well, intriguing, and even more so knowing that so many great minds have shared this point of view. 

however, I could be wrong about everything.

and perhaps it's just as likely that I am.

but perceiving consciousness wrongly doesn't change at all how I view the world, it's as god-filled and alive for me no matter the origin of my awareness. The hardcore scientific theory is one of chemical reactions, matter somehow in a chain event of activities leading to consciousness, a physical process that concludes with my awareness, and more so, that I am aware of this distinction. 

and all this, no less a miracle.

maybe even more so.

to think that I somehow gained this sense of knowing life, aware, conscious of my own distinction, and that it all arrived from dust and matter, an electrical impulse from eons ago that gave cause for this specific chemical mix to appear certain and aware. Science doesn't abdicate God in anyway, not in my sense at least, but only proves that life itself is a fragile miracle by its very nature, precious, and my purpose here is to honor this awareness, to be of service to this fragile world, loving by my own very nature. 

it's simply how I view the world. 

there's nothing at stake in my beliefs, life continues no matter how my awareness came to be, just as miraculous, as easily fragile and precious through every moment. I have no interest in being right or proven wrong. We all feel our way through life, being capable of only what we're able to perceive of ourselves through the lens of this awareness. It's how we view the world. So whatever the origin of consciousness, however it is that I now find myself aware, my view of life continues on...I am here to love and serve this fragile world. 


Peace, Eric  

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