Saturday, May 21, 2022

Continuously Surrendered

Continuously surrendered:  

and that it's all continuously surrendered, every point of life is immediately given to release, and even thoughts that hold our memories are constantly renewed and rearranged, never quite the same as their previous recall. The whole process of living is one of letting go, it's not something we do but simply how life proceeds, nothing meant to last in any permanent way, everything continuously surrendered in the very moment it's conceived. 

life is motion.

yet our language seems to reflects a static world, that we perceive events as specific to an instant and not carried through every moment onward, life in constant surrender of its course, altering, responsive even to our most subtle thoughts and actions. There's just life, no separate events, nor true distances between us and whatever happens in the world. It's all just one great occurrence, motion, life continuously surrendered and renewed, always motion, flowing. 

really, we should speak in terms of verbs, as even objects are a vibrational force, more so a process than an actual state to be observed. Everything is alive with the energy of being, and our earliest philosophers perceived this as god, life force, and rightly so. We are in the very midst of creation right now, Eden in the ground beneath us, a garden of our own wonder and delight. This is where surrender brings us, every fresh moment a rebirth into this garden, renewed and given this one and precious instant to know ourselves within the world. 

we are continuously surrendered...

or perhaps better said...a surrendering,

 knowing ourselves as a verb, always motion, indeed, an aspect of only motion, life, brief in the appearance of specific form, but never ceasing in creation. We are artist found deep within our medium, immersed to the point of forgetting who we are. But always divine in brushstroke, holy in display and action, continuous in both surrender and expression. 

it's really all the same. 


Peace, Eric 

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