Sunday, May 29, 2022

Just Being

Just being: 

my very life as faith and surrender, natural, and with a certain ease that all is cared for - not a willful act at all, my body functions with a grace beyond my present notice, heart in rhythm, blood easy in its reach and flow, and every breath released without concern of letting go. Everything happens completely on it's own and their is no demand for my attention. This is the art of just being alive, no effort given to the function of either mind or body, simply being, and having faith in my surrender. 

and into this I add a mantra, not so much a word as it is a vibration, a faint idea and frequency that's released as easily as breath and I am equally unconcerned with its return. This isn't an act of concentration, no forceful recall, nor mindful of any action. It's listening, allowing my world to settle on it's own, and again having faith in my surrender. 

it's the easiness of meditation. 

with this there's no concern of thought, no chase to find an empty mind, every thought allowed to appear and wander by, gently, a return to mantra, and then another letting go, easy, natural, and yet profound in the simplicity of its action. The mind settles down without my interference, heart rate slows, and the breath becomes barely noticed in soft and subtle motion of its passing. 

just being.



there's faith in this surrender, not in any sense of a personal achievement, nor even of my continuation, but faith in essence, that even when I'm completely surrendered there's something of me that exist within the very fabric of the world. It's similar to breath, existing first and always as air, available to be drawn, near, and certain of location. The breath is air, life, and there's no search to find it, once let go there's no frantic grasp for its return. It's the same with meditation, mantra given the same ease as breath and heartbeat, having faith in its surrender. 

everything let go.




and now...with only faith in my surrender. 

just being.


Peace, Eric 

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