Sunday, May 3, 2020

We Suffer

I don't know why we suffer, I'm not sure if there's wisdom learned by some design, or if life is random in all that happens. The truth is that it's all speculation and even our wisest only surmise in the explanations that they offer. And so for me, there is no question as to why - there's suffering because there's life, it's a seamless occurrence that accompanies all of which we cherish. There are those who me tell of ways beyond this suffering, transcending ego and the ways of my attachment. Yet for me it seems my path is different, that suffering belongs to the whole of this existence, a means to arrive at the tenderness of living. I have no wish to suffer, nor desire to reach beyond it - my only role is to accept what's found within each moment, to come to terms with my own demands for things to be simply be. I am alive, and all things may happen. For me, this is life in all its wisdom. 


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