Friday, May 15, 2020

A Spacious Fall Through a Pandemic

and this is just a perhaps - that this pandemic leaves us reduced without a true identity, clear of assumptions, bare, and stark through acceptance of not knowing. Is it possible to see ourselves without presumptions we've long held as essential to who we are? With career on hold, no school, personal pursuits having to be surrendered in concern for others - where then do we find any claim of a self related to an activity, title, or even another person? We are called, right now, to do one thing only - a simple letting go. There is nothing for us to hold to except whatever's found within the moment and even this is a constant slip to something other. It's a free fall. Yet it's a fall through perfect space, no requirements for a ground to land on. Just the fall. Pure. Free and freeing. Take a look directly towards this surrender - what's found is vast, without source, and all accepting. It's personal space that's held every identity we've ever had. It's an impersonal space that cares nothing for opinion, beliefs, or thoughts we've long cherished to be true. Here's a question - could we hold this paradox as our own allowing nature? We aren't any of the things we've ever claimed to be. But they are all aspects of what we are. Here, we see that we are larger than any small claim,. And here is where we relax with it all, the letting go, the free fall and the groundless not knowing. Let's now find out who we really are....


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