Saturday, May 2, 2020

Infinite Reach of Existence

and then we come to our own revelation - that we are shown as literally nothing more than capacity for this all to be, and too, and at once, we find ourselves as every detail of the world. This is the clarity of seeing, to simply look at the seamless touch of nature. To view a tree is to observe an infinite reach of existence - that each root connects through earth and continues in a stretch of forest and every blade of grass above, and that its branches receive and give to every bit of sky. It's endless. More so, we are not removed from any of this - the same seamless grace continues in display as the observer. We are a shared reality of tree and self, existence shown as separate points, yet always, only, one. If we look for the end point of any object, ourselves included, we only come to its formless continuation until form again appears. If we look - we are revealed as such. 


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