Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Occasionally By Grace

so this is all I wish to do - just leave a few words to the page, perhaps an insight gifted through the very moment of my writing. It's not for me to judge if something is of value to another. I write only what's been given and solely for myself alone. To share is my hope for art, that what appears is arranged to please, or give pause to ponder. I am not a teacher, nor even a wise man, yet occasionally, by grace and patient waiting - something slips in, an insight perhaps. Often too it's a case of nothing given but a revelation of an obvious knowledge, a truth always present, and now made clear to be seen. It seems that no insight is ever truly original, only unique in the presentation and timing it's received. In this way every person, each moment, is a gift of inspiration. So it's these few words I leave behind. No intention. But maybe something to inspire and unique in presentation. 


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