Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reinvention of Self (from No-self)

it's the reinvention of self - from this moment to each that follows after,  an idea remembered through the clean slate of now. To this we could say that what we truly are is fluid, existence itself, being capable of shifting to form and new ideas of self from the abiding capacity of presence. Our identity is always appearing through this original clear space - a collection of beliefs given traction by continued recollection. Yet without belief, or not remembered, what then would appear? The self is fiction - but truly told. It's offered real to the world and in this way we navigate reality through each point we find ourselves living. But we can hold this image lightly, knowing too that we are the infinite backdrop that holds it in existence. We are the back and forth of self to no-self, fluid, clear, and welcoming. 


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