Thursday, November 28, 2019

Until Another Moment's Offered

even my best assumptions are just stories made to fit the moment, an agreement with myself to better understand the shifting moods of reality. But more often now I find there's little need to seek a buffer from the wilds of what's truly offered - reality is always beautiful and often terrifying, an exposure so deep there's nothing left past the bone of our last denial. The beauty is what remains after we've been stripped to this point. So what is it that remains? When every assumption and story is allowed to fall away completely on its own - what will we be left with? I can't really say, or perhaps better to simply allude that what it is, is already being expressed right now. This is it, and for me it's the feel of each key in a smooth greeting to my fingers, it's a quick type as words come without a hint of the mystery they may hold, and it's the smile of having this moment come to a creative point that I find pleasing. In another moment, it will be something else, new, one more unfolding mystery in a different motion of expression. It may again hold stories and assumptions, for these too belong in the case of their arrival. Nothing is denied, there's no need to shove aside what is experienced now for the sake of a better story - this is it. It's all we have. At least until another moment's offered. 


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