Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Shared Existence of Which To Be Aware

to exist - truthfully my only conclusion, this gathering of thought and seeming form, lingering to what amounts to be a lifetime. I exist. Nothing more can be claimed that isn't speculation on things outside this moment. Yet I find that the mystery of me being here at all, aware, and knowing the sheer impossibility of every detail that occurred to bring me to this moment - this than is my awakening. I know nothing of what comes after, no wisdom of cosmic proportions, no insights given on important life matters. Just this, that I exist, and that somehow I am aware of my existence. I see too that this is not a solitary occasion - life is shared, it's not my existence alone but life in singular distinctions, arising in some spontaneous fashion, it's all just a mystery of appearance. It's one thing, a shared existence of which to be aware. 


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