Thursday, September 6, 2012

Vision Quest

Saturday is the day I put my name in for the Umstead 100 - it's a difficult race to get in, filling up within minutes of registration opening. But I will try. Umstead is said to be one of the best races for a first 100 mile event and it's been on my list for a few years now. If I am fortunate enough to be one of the 250 who makes it in my training will take a sharp focus towards more miles, longer long runs and even some pure walking sessions. I aim to be prepared and not just physically. I want to enter that magical state of flow and transcendence that outside of meditation and life threatening events, only distance brings. Endurance is the entrance to magical world - the Native Americans of both North and South America knew this. Running was a tribal right into manhood and a way to seek visions. Visions can still be found and long distance it the path to find yours. And mine. Hopefully come April - I'll be seeking.

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