Sunday, September 2, 2012

Marathon Lies - Do They Matter?

Do Small lies matter? Is it really important that Paul Ryan fudged his marathon PR by a bit? My answer is yes and in a very important and profound way. Now the stock I answer I continuously hear is that every politician lies and more so - everyone tells a little white lie now and then. And I won't deny this. I try to be honest and know that I have failed at times. So I try harder all the more. I write this not to judge Mr. Ryan but to point out that just because something maybe commonplace doesn't mean it should be acceptable. As a public figure who is actively seeking our trust Mr. Ryan should be holding himself up to a standard we should all be to strive for as well. All politicians should and we should accept nothing less.
As runners we all know the hard, work and sacrifice that goes into even the shortest distance let alone a marathon. And even more so for a fast time or personal best. To lie about this, and by such a large margin seems, to me, to trivialize the hard work and effort of others. Our race and training struggles form a bond among athletes and that bond allows a 4:00 marathon runner to state with pride his/her achievements right along side the 2:55 runner - they share the bond of their struggle. There is respect between the faster and slower races and that respect is diminished through the actions of a told lie. Be proud of your time - through blood, sweat and tears - you earned it. And it matters.

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