Monday, September 3, 2012

Race Review -2012 Labor Day Rogue Race

This was our second year running the Labor Day Rouge Race - a 5k fund raiser for the Eldersburg Road Runners. They're a great crew who seem to really care about their community and it's a pleasure to help them raise money while at the same time enjoying their hospitality. This has definitely become our end of summer event and kicks off the upcoming fall marathon season. It's a tough course with a killer hill at the end but the good thing is you can build a little steam and momentum before you get there. Unfortunately I seemed to be without a whole lot of steam today - I ran an unofficial time of 23:43 - the hills and deadlifts of the weekend took some of that much needed momentum. I'm not sure of my official time yet as the race organizers were swamped by the addition of 100 more runners then expected - a great surprise for a fundraiser! I'm happy to see that they had such a large turnout and they handled that extra pressure with grace and patience. Great job guys and thanks for all your effort!
This really is a fun, community based race that welcomes all comers. There's some serious fast runners here - from little kids to an 81 year old women who rocked the course. Everyone inspired.
 Today's race has reaffirmed by commitment to speed - I need more of it - in short burst and longer tempo's. When I come back here next year - I'm looking for a major PR. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!

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