Friday, September 14, 2012

Fixing Our Nature Deficit

I think maybe that the majority of humans are suffering from a nature deficit - there seems to be a lack of stillness in our modern lives, a silence of between. Nature is full of sounds yet there is a silence, a holy pause between notes. It's the sound the Rishi's and Sages heard in their contemplative practice amidst the natural world. It's the sound of Aum. In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (a modern spiritual classic) author Deepak Chopra urges those who wish to channel the natural laws of prosperity to emerge themselves in nature - at least for a few hours a week. It has a cleansing affect on the mind, body and spirit. I see people all the time crowding this natural space and stillness with cell phones, and iPods - they're bring their world to the reality of nature. It doesn't work - healing only takes place when we are immersed and part of the whole and any object that excludes is a burden and a hindrance to ourselves in returning to this wholeness.
Take a walk, a trail run (unconcerned about speed) or just sit and enjoy a stream, or the wind blowing soft against you. Spend time in nature.
You won't regret it.


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