Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Here's Why

And here is the number one reason I'm a vegan - animals smile, they feel pleasure and bask in a kind touch, they experience pain and terror and the loneliness of close confinement. In short - animals are a lot like us. No, I'm not saying they are the same - but they are similar. I don't wish to be a link in the chain of cruelty that is modern farming. I don't need to eat meat. Sure I enjoyed it at one point in my life. I even thought I needed it to be healthy or at least satisfied appetite wise. I didn't and I don't. It's that simple - we eat meat because we choose too. The great shame it that we choose to eat tortured meat. At least those who hunt or work a family farm are participants in the death of their meals. Most are aware of what goes on in factory farm and the shame that's on our plates - but we ignore it, make jokes at their pictures saying "how tasty" they are, and continue to feed on the cruelty that has been handed to us. And God forbid if this is mentioned or pointed out - the poor vegan who stands for the all that's good and kind and compassionate about people is condemned, scorned and ridiculed. I'll tell everyone something - it's worth it. Look into the eyes of the pig above - a pig that science tells us has the emotional intelligence of a 2-3 year old human child, a pig that is smarter than our beloved dogs and cats - look into his eyes and tell me it isn't. It is for me. And that's enough.

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