Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tapering, Patience and Life Lessons

Tapering for a race is hard. But it teaches patience. Since I always have another race on the horizon I feel guilty for tapering for a single race - won't I miss the training miles? So I have to pull back a bit, trust my training and again - Patience. Another aspect is that on race day my legs will be fresh, strong and ready to push the pace. There's a great temptation to abandon the race plan and go out fast - especially when it feels so good to move so fast so early in the race - big mistake. A crash will certainly come and usually it's around mile 18 to 20 for me - and there's still a long way to go - especially after a crash. Patience. Before the race, during the race and even after the race when I'm eager to throw myself back into training. Just a little patience, some rest and easing back into the run - counts for a lot.
So tapering - a life and racing lesson.


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