Sunday, September 23, 2012

Race Review - Conestoga 10 Mile Trail Race 2012

Excellent run today! Great weather, good friends and a PR for me and several friends. Can't ask for much more. This was the 20th running of the race and for the first time in its history Race Director Bill Smith handed someone a crisp $100 bill - someone finally broke the record set by Ian Schouten back in 2002 at 1:30. Knowing how difficult this course is it's hard to imagine someone running a 1:28 - but the weather was perfect, the trails were dry and today was the day. Impressive and congratulations! I'll post the record setters name when the results are released on-line.
Those who have been reading my blog or chatting with me on FB now how much I love this race. It may well be the "toughest 10 miles on the East Coast". I have run 50ks that have felt considerably easier at times. Every year offers something different and every year brings the same - a well organized, fun, classic trail race. I'm proud to be part of it.
A big thanks to legendary Race Director Bill Smith and another thanks to the volunteers who came out and offered aid and enthusiasm. This year brought two big changes - finisher medals and massage therapist offer 15min massages for donations! Another welcomed change was a great friend (and runner) bringing a vegan feast for the after party. Thanks Judith and awesome run today!
 So next up is Baltimore Marathon on a few weeks and Stone Mill 50k in less then two months. The time spent out on the trail today will pay off for both.


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