Sunday, September 9, 2012

Training Update

In the next two weeks I will be repeating the first two races of my life three years ago - Gunpowder 50k followed by the Conestoga 10 mile trail race. My enthusiasm for running remains high, my health is strong and I have come to greatly enjoy racing. I used to feel a bit tense before race and uncomfortable in pre-race crowds. Now it pretty much seems par for the course and even pre-race nerves have come to be viewed as part of the process of racing - almost enjoyable. I have lost some strength within the last three years - understandable as I was coming from a strength/strength endurance back ground to a (almost) purely endurance field. It's strange to find myself in what I consider a strength deficit as I was always one of the stronger runners in a field and that was a great asset for me. I'm working in fixing that with a return to some basic, heavy(ier) lifting - deadlifts, presses, swings - all down low volume, moderate weight to allow me to increase strength but not interfere with running itself. I'll also be adding some rowing to the mix to round out my endurance with less impact than Kettlebell Sport training allows. I feel I owe a great deal of my success (how I measure it) to Sport training but at a certain point it became to much to maintain and get the miles in - at least for ultras and marathons. It brought me here and perhaps modified in the future when I feel I am back to a decent level of strength it can take me to new, higher grounds. We'll see.
That's it - just wanted to update my training and racing!

Thanks for reading.

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