Sunday, July 21, 2024

Letting Stuff Go

Letting stuff go:

honestly, it just comes down to letting stuff go, everything, our inner baggage of resentment and grievances, all the slights and hurts we've carried through the years and weigh us down so completely. That's it, really, there's nothing deeper to any spiritual path than our surrender, refusing to cling or carry those past wounds any further, and no longer willing to project them outward to the world. 

it just comes down to letting stuff go.


yet that's not to say it's always easy.

and that's mostly because we don't realize that we even have that option, we believe we even have the means to do so. This is why the practice of forgiveness is so profound, it's a continuous process, and makes no demands other than a commitment to be free. We forgive with the sincere desire to no longer suffer, cutting all ties to any situation or event that troubles our peace of mind. We're looking at a deeper forgiveness here, one that calls for complete self-honesty, a willingness to look at whatever wound that troubles us and see that it now lies solely in the mind. 

that's not easy.

but that's the first step to forgiveness.


it's the only step. 

 just seeing.

and after that...

we find that everything is already surrendered.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Something Radical

Also, please visit to buy: Radical Forgiveness

Thank you. 

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