Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Teach Only Love

Teach only love: 

it's a small YouTube channel, growing by a few each day, but I don't anticipate large numbers for what I do - which is mainly share short  clips of nature that I'm able to capture each morning in my beautiful early morning walks. And I talk. The live streaming service provides me a platform to present the ideas that have been meaningful for me through the years. Yoga, meditation and breathwork, creativity, health, and after keeping fairly quiet about it for some time, my devotion to A Course in Miracles. It now feels like I've been called to teach, and it's important to not that the Course doesn't distinguish between a teacher and student, that we're here to teach what we most need to learn, which is a peace  found only through a return to love.

as the course asks of us...

teach only love.

so that's my plan.

and it's with this small platform that I'll stake my livelihood for now, being inspired to share beautiful scenes of nature and talking of all the things I need to learn as I proceed on this new path of life. I have no idea if I'll be successful with this livelihood, if I will be able to earn just enough to provide for my concerns. We'll see, as I'm fortunate to reach this stage of life without a great desire for more than what is needed. There's a great opportunity for me here, as well as a large amount of fear being present, perfect, it's time for me to learn through my own demonstration -

seeing through thus fearful presence...

and teach only love.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: True Prominence

Also, please visit to buy: Living Untethered

Thank you. 

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