Tuesday, July 2, 2024

True Prominence

True prominence:

mostly, it feels like things are being taken away, dismantled really, with nothing replaced and the remaining spaciousness allowed to stand alone. Maybe this is the result of being a little older now, a life process of letting go of all that no longer serves for the prominence of ego and now only wishes to explore this sense of love that seems to prevails. 

and all this happens in my mind.

not a transformation.

but revealing what was present all along.

as I was too occupied with the busyness of life...

and failing to take notice.

that's the things with self-improvement, it's a project, always building and expanding a larger sense of ego - yet life itself is always seeking my surrender, dismissing my concerns for anything lasting past this very instant. There is no real self that ever needs to be improved, it's a phantom given prominence, a leading role in my expression. 

life is now urging me to let go of all these smaller concerns.

and give myself fully to the reality of love.

the only true prominence.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: It's Never About

Also, please visit to buy: This Is It 

Thank you.

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