Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Where Life Takes Me

Where life takes me: 

it seems now - I'm much less involved in the world, and yet at once somehow more intimate with life itself, perhaps a paradox, but it feels perfectly right to me. This doesn't mean that my usual interests and the things I care for no longer meaning, they do, there's just less concerned for my personal involvement, that I don't need to add my opinion to every matter, there's no wish to make other wrong through my own demands of how I wish the world to be.

there's just no longer a need to believe I'm always right.

so I hold my views lighter now,

more gently,

 surrendering, forgiving, wishing love to others.

and seeing where life takes me.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: To Let Go Of

Also, please visit to buy: Of Course in Miracles 

Thank you. 

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