Saturday, June 1, 2024



it's the beginning of June, considered the meteorological start of summer, and my favorite time of year. I love that the solstice is still weeks away, as if the season is gaining momentum for the longest day of light for it to offer, yet with summer itself already softly in effect. I celebrate the first of June to welcome in the season and then the solstice for its length of light, with the entire month being worshiped as the most fulfilling time of year for me.

 this also marks the halfway point of the year, that from hear on, even without our notice, there is the pull towards another winter. June reminds me to stay mindful of the present, and yet not lose sight of the transience of every season, to enjoy the touch of sunlight now, bask in its warmth, a brief and fragile gift that even now is changing. 

a briefness that only causes me to love more deeply.

June is the peak and slow decline of green foliage, the newborn of spring begin to mature, a season of passage, bittersweet in its way. 

my favorite time of year.


Peace, Eric 

To Read more from Headless Now, please visit: Giving Up

Also, please visit to buy: A Walk in the Woods

Thank you. 

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