Thursday, June 13, 2024

Gentleness and Ease

Gentleness and ease:

with gentleness and ease, this seems to be ever more my approach through life now, that I'm growing in the grace of my surrender, letting go of all that has caused me to cling to previous convictions, and holding every belief and opinion so lightly.

with gentleness and ease.

my life unfolds.

and every day a new wonder.

of course the paradox is that life is very much the same, certainly with no small amount of conflict present, still disturbing information given daily from the news. The world itself hasn't changed, and perhaps it never will, warfare and political discord, unnecessary hunger and those without shelter, all very much prevalent. Yet I also feel more hopeful now, optimistic that as my own heart breaks open for the world that this spaciousness will provide a bit more room for others to take some comfort here. Maybe not, more likely this probably won't occur. 

but even this is part of my surrender.

and so life continues on with gentleness and ease...

and every day a new wonder.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Defenselessness

Also, please visit to buy: Power of Gentleness

Thank you. 

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