Wednesday, June 12, 2024



lately, my thoughts keep turning towards defenselessness, not as an answer to a world in turmoil, but as my own personal solution to dealing with a chaotic landscape that I increasingly find myself walking through. The obvious answer might be to remove myself, to walk another path, or make better choices - all of which make sense on a certain level. But deeper, that's not really peace at all, it's simply a means of avoidance to that which can never be ignored for very long. 

my own peace of mind.

I love how A Course in Miracles deals with defenselessness, that it's the very means of our strength and safety, as well as being the foundation for true peace of mind. Both the Tao Te Ching and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras offer their wisdom on this too, urging the reader to let go of their default stance that immediately seeks to make others wrong and highlight our own view as always being certain and true. And of course this makes us defense, always having to guard our rightness against a world that so often shows us that we might indeed be wrong. 

or at the very least be uncertain. 

another idea from A Course in Miracles...

safety is the complete relinquishment of attack.

so there it is, an answer to walking through my chaotic world, defenselessness, just letting go of the concept of attack, giving up the need or being right or even certain.

just letting go,

and letting go,

and letting go.

until there's nothing more to hold unto, a free fall, 

without any sense of fear or worry,

as I learn that I can fly.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: An Artist

Also, please visit to buy: A Course in Miracles

Thank you. 

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