Sunday, June 16, 2024

For Whatever Reason

For whatever reason:

for whatever reason, and without question from my part, I'm drawn back to the teachings of A Course in Miracles, something I once favored but left largely behind well over a decade ago. The Course is a dense text and a yearlong work book that was a near continuous practice for me for almost 20 years, something that seemed to hold a promise for me but was too demanding for me to finish in as little as a year. And of course it isn't supposed to be, it's a lifetime study, a practice, and even having set it aside for so long is part of how the course unfolds.

at least for me.

in 2009, divorce approaching, my mother in final decline from Alzheimer's, helping my father as he recovered from a stroke care for her - I committed to the Course fully, and then simply left it behind, not in any overt fashion or a particular reason. I just felt done, carrying along with my yoga and meditation practice and feeling that the Course would work through me however seemed right.

and it did, largely so, returning to me through the stressful times ahead, always, eventually, leading me to a more peaceful place of mind. It wasn't something that I felt compelled to continuously study, my life was now my practice and the teachings worked through me.

imperfectly so, of course. 

now, for whatever reason, I am drawn again to the text and workbook, and more so, committing myself completely to the practice. Maybe it's the dark political season ahead, or a sense that life might soon take a turn towards some troubling events.

or maybe it's just the right time.

no reason at all.

and I'm called to open more fully to a more loving, forgiving practice.

it doesn't really mater. 

I'm listening to its call. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Continuously Forgiving

Also, please visit to buy: A Course in Miracles Made Easy

Thank you. 


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