Tuesday, June 11, 2024

An Artist

An artist: 

we all have some unique beauty to share, something deep within us that yearns to surface to the world through some inspired way. We're artist, all of us, although many have stifled this creative urge, or its voice has lost it's urgency over the course of some many years. Perhaps the issue has become one of self -judgement, that our own inner critic has been so harsh that we can't bear to express ourselves in a way that leaves us vulnerable, we're afraid of ourselves and the opinion that we'll offer, and sadly, we never allow a true moment of of inspiration to take hold. 

unless we gather the courage to let go...

and simply be expressive.

exactly as we are. 

to be an artist takes courage, openness, and makes us vulnerable indeed. It's those tentative moments of first expressing ourselves that matter so deeply. This is our innate beauty seeping through, hard surface cracked open and now we're showing inspiration to the world. If even, only, just a little. It's our start and a tremendous act of courage. We should never take it lightly. 

so it only takes a little here,  leaving a small sketch across a legal pad, dancing in the privacy of a closed room, learning to fold a piece of paper as to resemble an animal - it doesn't mater. It's ours. It's art. And doesn't need to be explained to anyone at all. 

listen to that inspired voice that urges you to be creative.

have courage.

and be exactly what you are...

an artist.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Least Disturbance

Also, please visit to buy: The War of Art

Thank you. 

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