Monday, June 10, 2024

Least Disturbance

Least Disturbance: 

more so than ever now it seems my thoughts turn towards leaving least disturbance in the world, allowing my footsteps to be light and easily placed, my breath soft and subtle in its passing -  and perhaps most importantly that beliefs and opinions not be forced upon myself.

 or my own onto others. 

allowing the world to simply be...

exactly as it is right now. 

of course the paradox is in my present thoughts of change, my wishes and desires for a better world. But that too belongs within the moment, a perfect expression of compassion and if the moment itself calls for action - then I will fully commit myself to every worthy cause. 

with least disturbance kept in mind. 

by this I really mean my ego investment, to not build a monument to myself through everything I do or conversation held. My best moments are when ego is less involved and everything flows so easily and naturally and when the moment ends a sense of peace lingers for just a bit after. What I'm talking about here is force, that at this point in my life I'm tired of false battles offered by my opinions, defending what I once held to be so sacred, and now seeing how every word rings hollow if they're forced upon another. I find myself in a more allowing place. 

and wishing least disturbance. 

again this doesn't mean the absence of change, nor denial of action.

but simply, only, 

my own ego least invested in the world. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A little Extra Magic

Also, please visit to buy: Power V. Force

Thank you. 

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