Saturday, June 8, 2024

As If a Mountain

As if a mountain: 

most often now, it seems the asanas that call to me are the more basics ones, solid, leaving me grounded and feeling strongly connected to the world. Through the years of my yoga practice I have come to listen to the inner urge that guides me to a certain pose at just the right time, never failing to help me reach a sense of deep healing and connection. These past few sessions it has been tadasana, mountain pose, one of the least challenging  posture, at least in appearance, but it's definitely a beautiful alignment of the body, satisfying in it's complete display of poise and balance. 

as well as being healing. 

tadasana puts my spine in order, straightening vertebrae, lengthening, and leading me to feel connected to the earth as my arms reach upwards to the air. The name itself evokes the sense of enduring through time, that I'm eternal in my stance of pure awareness, indeed, essential to the very landscape of existence. I think this is why it now appeals so strongly to me, that I needed to heal from recent loss, to feel as if I belonged to something lasting beyond my personal world. 

tadasana lead me to my connection. 

a stance of awareness.

as if a mountain. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Gone

Also, please visit to buy: Emotional Yoga 

Thank you. 

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