Sunday, June 30, 2024

No Matter How Often

No matter how often: 

so it comes down to how do we practice, letting go of what feels like an unforgivable act against us - and I wish I had an easy answer here, that I could offer a simple method that wipes all of our suffering away with a mantra or an effortless gesture of forgiveness. 

but I don't.

there are methods of course, with some being very effective to helping us change perspective and arriving at a true sense of forgiveness. The workbook in A Course in Miracles has several exercises on how to do this deep inner work that heals our wounds. Yet for me, it's more about working in through each moment, with whatever grievance appears no matter when it might have happened, or how much suffering that it holds. It's all just part of a continuous practice, seeing past the illusion of timelines and returning to the innocence of the present moment.

everything is already forgiven here.

right now.

and there's just memories to let go of...

no matter how often they appear.

I return my heart to love.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Very Simple Practice

Also, please visit to buy: Practicing Forgiveness

Thank you.

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