Tuesday, June 25, 2024

To Let Go Of

To let go of: 

and as always, it's just one more thing to let go of, with even the ritual of forgiveness being just another concept that is eventually surrendered, having realized that all we ever have is the present moment and that no trace of our past actually remains. 

forgiveness is instantaneous.

so the truth is, 

we don't do anything.

healing happens on it's own.

yet our rituals are important too, for as long as needed, serving to remind us that we are forever bound to the present  moment, always right now, and that no past event can ever truly harm us. Forgiveness is a liberating ritual, a wonderful healing tool. 

but in the end,

it's just one one more thing that's let go of...

as surrender too, 

happens completely on its own.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit to buy: No Bypassing

Also, please visit to buy: Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender

Thank you.

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