Friday, July 15, 2022

Two Points

Two points: 

what exists between two points of anything is simply life, another aspect of its appearance - and we are inseparable from its experience, belonging fully and only to the moment it occurs. In this respect life isn't really a journey at all, there's no set and final destination to be reached. Everything is right now, our story complete, and with no purpose nor meaning other than what we ourselves provide. Our dharma, our true path, is to just be alive, aware, and appreciative that it's so.

in reality, there are no two points anything.

only life.

happening on its own.

this is really our freedom, knowing that there is no real journey, but only transformation, events seamlessly unfolding and that we are immersed within their larger currents. Each moment than is our true beginning, infinite in its potential, and we are capable to flourish exactly where we are. Our dharma is always and only right now. What exist between two points of anything is an illusion of a journey, with no real distance to be measured. 

everything is right now.

of course we set goals, and assign ourselves a purpose, that's just the game we play. We work hard to achieve things, satisfying our ambitions and then we move on to another set agenda. In this way we feel in charge, powerful, and with  a sense of control over our destiny. With some having more control than others it seems. Yet we can see through this, indeed, we deeply have a sense that this ins't true at all. It's simply how the game is played. There's another way to play this game and it's to play it more with love and awareness rather than the self-importance that we believe in. We are not all powerful beings with perfect control over the course of life's journey. But we are immersed in power, belonging fully to the reality of the present moment. Our achievement is to be alive, aware, and it's always presently and instantly granted. That's true power. 

what exists between two points of anything...

is life. 

and we are inseparable from its experience.


Peace, Eric 

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