Saturday, July 30, 2022

To Invoke

To invoke: 

it's been said that some ancient languages, such as Sanskrit and Hebrew, vibrate as the very essence of that which they describe, to use such language is to invoke the energy of the object and bring us to the same frequency of awareness. Sanskrit has been described by some linguist as the purest language, spiritual in context as it has a lightness to its sound, soft, vibrating almost beyond the realm of words. I've had some powerful experiences chanting Sanskrit, getting lost in the sound until their only seemed the vibration of the world, a pulse, and that I matched this quality with every particle of my being. My personal mantra is Sanskrit as well, devoid of specific meaning, and meant to lead me to the frequency of the universe that brought me from spirit to the manifest world, the vibration of the moment of my birth. 

this is about magic, true and believable by virtue of experience.

 certain language is magic, having the power to invoke emotion and spirit, to call forth the essence of an ethereal quality that defies ordinary description. That's poetry, and I'll use that word broadly here, not as an actual written form of art, but with a deeper meaning, vibrational, and that the world itself is poetry, everything, and only waits for the right words to match the energy of soul, to invoke the essence of the world through language. 

as I write, I seek to invoke, there's a quality I wish to capture, ineffable, and yet perhaps I'll manage to match it closely by vibration, a similar frequency by design, This is what that no matter what I may write, I always consider myself a poet, one who wishes to invoke the lyrical sense of the world through words and their arrangement. In this way, everything becomes art, creative by expression, and even a simple note contains the deepest essence of the world. 

what I seek is resonance, my soul directly matched to yours.

a vibrational quality shared between us. 

that's the magic of poetry, to invoke something hidden in words, dormant, seemingly lost by our casual descriptions. This is our true conversation about poetry, vibrational, not only to be read or spoken and then easily dismissed, but felt by soul, resonating in a quiet stir of recognition. We are of one soul, essence, and the right words vibrate with this union. It's all poetry, everything, a universe of lyrical form occurring through an infinite field of silence. 

what's offered here is resonance, poetry of a sort.

an opportunity to invoke the magic of the world. 


Peace, Eric 

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