Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Self -created Fiction

Self-created fiction: 

we tell ourselves stories, and we believe the stories told to us by our parents and trusted authority figures, an image of the world inherited before we've even begun to form opinion. That's the reality we live in and it isn't even truly ours, it belongs to those who've come before and formed a history passed down to us, and to this we add our own beliefs and self-created fiction. 

of course none of it's true, a story is never the reality of any present situation. 

and none of this is wrong either, it's just the way we've come to navigate the world, stories told to make life a little easier to handle. Our parents and teachers wish us safe and to have a better life than those  before, their stories are meant to inform and provide a backdrop of knowledge for children to explore the world and thrive in life. Yet it's also a trap, our vision is now tainted by the beliefs of others and our own stories are shaped by past opinions. 

even our self-created fiction is plagiarized from others. 

and in this way the world continues much the way it has before. 

so our stories can serve and yet they also imprison - it seems a trap, an endless loop of self-created fiction that keeps us from truly living a life fully realized completely on our own. Except that every moment is the bare essence of reality, story free, allowing us to be alive right now, aware, and engaged intimately with our surroundings. Here, now. there is no self to create a story, that all comes after, following the raw experience of each moment. Now, exists as completely freedom, and is always without a self or story, just one inseparable event of intimacy and love expressed. Yes, this too is really a story, my words given description to what is absolutely indescribable and can only be experienced. But it's happening right now and doesn't need by story, that's only for my own benefit of writing and a wish to share by way of words. What I write doesn't have to be true, the experience itself is available right now, always right now, and only requires us to notice. 

and really,

we don't even have to notice.

life continues without story, 



Peace, Eric 

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