Saturday, July 23, 2022

My Path

My path: 

with some people it seems so natural and easy, at least with their initial calling, that first hint of inspiration drawing them towards a practice and devotion to a particular talent, or a life path laid out so clearly for their years to follow. Others stumble upon their dharma, fortunate in their timing and position, and through this grace they base their entire lives upon this happy accident of fate. I'll be honest in that I know very little of my own personal dharma, often wondering what purpose I may have served and if there's reason still to hope that I will somehow I find my path. 

I'm pretty sure that I never will. 

not in the way described above, no dramatic accident that delivers a clear vision of my path to follow, and certainly no innate talent providing clarity for my purpose. It seems I have a much smaller dharma to follow, being that my path doesn't lead me very far from home. Ordinary. Although in most ways an outlier too, never quite fitting into the regular circle of family and friends, drifting, constantly dreaming of a higher vision to lead my life to purpose. My path was to be a seeker, and yet I never knew exactly what the search was for.  Of course now I see things a little differently, not with hindsight, but based more upon the present moment. Life isn't supposed to give me purpose, it's not a path I'm meant to follow in hope of finding some fulfillment. 

living is my purpose.

my dharma.

and I am fulfilled by the coincidence of simply being. 

my life didn't have to happen at all, and yet it's clear too that everything that occurred for me to be here was an accident of some design. I'm not saying God here, nor fate, or hinting at a guiding universal intelligence., and neither do I dismiss these things. It's just too mysterious for my description, ineffable, and what I do see clearly is that my path contains the entire world, larger still, the universe itself, and there is no call to give this a label and a purpose. I am an expression of life, lived, experienced, and it's not the other way around, life isn't here to serve my purpose, my dharma is to simply be alive, joyful, engaged and fully in love with just this single moment. 

with this I find that I'm actually the dharma of some unique motion, an entire universe arranged to provide my momentary expression. There isn't really any path at all, no point or purpose other than the grace and great fortune of being exactly as I am right now. Everything had to happen so precisely across a spectrum of infinite possibilities for this moment to occur - and that I'm here, writing, a beautiful theme running through my mind and pouring from my fingers...

there's a larger dharma at play here.

and I am part of it's expression. 


Peace, Eric 

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