Tuesday, January 7, 2020

With Nowhere Else To Be

as to what I know, and this my only certainty - I am aware of winter's chill against my neck, a breeze reaching through me in its sweep, trees swaying further in its continuation. It's the touch of this season. My body will respond in ways to suit the seasons mood, thoughts often falling just as dark with early night. It's winter. I am gripped by my own moods that suit the season. Right now, there is no reach for spring, no escape to an imagined warmth of some other time. There's everything that is happening in this moment, a full seasons force delivered to my senses, thoughts, emotions - and exactly as it is, it is. I stay in winter. Accepting. Belonging. Needing what I need without condemnation for my want. Here's what I know - it's winter, and it will pass, but not right now. For this moment, I am in the season, fully, with nowhere else to be. 


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