Sunday, January 12, 2020

No Argument With Existence

I have no argument with existence - that I am, in this instant, is a gift without need to be explained or validated. To be curious as to origin and what proceeds from this point on is a bonus of philosophic pursuit yet not important to this moment. It's enough to simply be aware, to know that a breath drawn feeds life to this continuation, that it's release is gone without a promise for one more in return. No, I am not focused exclusive on this moment, I'm not mindful of every breath, nor thought that wanders - but I am awake in a certain fashion. By this I mean that I exist, life in this moment without a cause that I am certain of, I know of no karmic debt that needs paid, no nirvana or heaven that awaits me. There is no exact, specific reason, to be alive, aware, and absence of guess work - right now is all I hold as certain. So I have no argument with this, it would be a debate of imagined circumstance and unknowable fate. I am - and it's shared existence. The world is too. For this, and all that is, I am most grateful. 


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