Friday, January 3, 2020

Reality of Simply Being Nature

every word implies separation, a description once removed from the reality of experience - and yet each word too is immediate in its belonging, absorbed as meaning to an empty page, and embraced again by the origins of its silent understanding. It's a seamless display of emptiness giving grace to form, words lending themselves as temporary meaning to silence and the page. To say that we're immersed in nature seems to add a subtle layer to the reality of simply being nature. We are - and this, indeed, is the whole of nature, there is no separate self to be immersed, only nature in the singularity of its design. So we see the paradox of description, how our words are never quite able to match the reality of experience, and that too they are not separate from the silent reality that receives them. There is no immersion in exactly what we always are. 


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