Friday, January 24, 2020

Our Capacity That Accepts And Holds The World

it's what appears, on its own, and in spontaneous fashion - this is our present moment, our only given now, and regardless of content it's all that's being offered. There's no need to cultivate a mindful approach to acceptance - we are here, already fully embraced and embracing every detail that's occurring. Just knowing this is to awaken, and no technique brings us any closer, nor does forgetting create distance from this moment. Everything belongs to the moment it appears, and this too includes our wish for things to be other. This is our humbling, that we are not grand creators of destiny, but capacity in an even grander allowing. We are presence, a void of lasting preference in order to receive every detail of the world. What appears, moment to every moment, is without  our assent or control, it's given in a way that's beyond our understanding. What we offer in return is an allowing grace, a reception to what appears, and a life continuing through all that's received. We are humbled not by any lack of power, but by our capacity that accepts and holds the world. 


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