Tuesday, January 1, 2019

How Do We Fix a Broken Ghost?

and what if there were no self in need of improvement? Our assumption is one of identity based on thoughts that we have inherited from others, an accumulation of false layers that provide flesh for a false sense of being. We have made this self real. And we believe it's broken. Yet the truth is that our sense of self is a phantasm of thought, no inherent reality of it's own, it has to be gathered by memories and can't exist on it's own within the present moment. So how do we fix a broken ghost? Or perhaps better asked, why would we attempt to? Of course none of this matters if we first can't see through the facade of self, and then allow it it's place within the reality of presence. How do we do this? Investigate. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the self you believe you are is indeed a true and solid self that roams separate from others through the world. But maybe if we look, if we inquire deeply on the nature of looking itself, a search to find a seer separate from scenery, a thinker in the absent of thought, a person that exists apart from the same existence that holds the world - maybe the same drive that seeks improvement is simply the desire to remember ourselves as whole. And maybe not - yet it seems an endless task to fix various aspects of a self that may or may not be even real. Even a little energy towards the revelation of what we are may be enough to give us freedom from the compulsion of becoming something greater, more, and lasting. We may find that within this freedom, a freedom of self that needs improvement - that we still do all the things we did before in the effort to build a better self. 
The only difference now is that it's done for no one - and happens
entirely on it's own. 
For the sake of it's own mystery and 


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