Sunday, January 6, 2019

The First and Last Realization

my first realization - was gratefulness. To find that my view, at it's original point of source, was simply absent of a viewer, became an instant appreciation that from this nothing - I appeared. But too, from this same emptiness there was suddenly the world as well. It's been an awe maintained even as it's grown more subtle in my continued act of seeing. 
There seems to be no apparent reason for anything to be, to emerge as form and live amidst a solid world. I'm not sure I really need a reason any longer - it's an instant, fully realized miracle to find myself here while at the same time maneuvering through the very same formless nature of my start. One has not let go to become another - the essence of emptiness is as true for me now as it was before I came to form, and even more profound since I am humbled by the mystery of it all. 
Perhaps the first realization will also be my very last - to be grateful to have found myself here, alive, and full of wonder. 


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