Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Everything I know - Is Right Here

so what do we really know? How much of our lives are lived by speculation, or inherited beliefs that may not have even served those who've come before. My own answer has been surprising, and not that I am not appreciative of what's been given to me by others, I have been blessed by many wonderful teachers who have offered me the best of what they hold as wise and true. But are they mine? Again, what do I truly know? In matters aside from daily living - the answer is very little. And in this I have found myself liberated from having to hold an opinion on such matters as religion, spiritual beliefs, life before or after death, and thousand of things that are not possible for me to know. I could speculate, and aside from the amusement provided, I would still remain as clueless on these matters as before. It's just not possible for me to know a single thing outside this moment - and that's more than enough and in it's scope provides an infinite understanding. 
I know that I am aware. 
This alone opens the world to a greater depth of knowing, exploring, inquiring into the very nature of this awareness. 
Who is it that's aware? 
From this aware place that seems to be my central knowing - are there lines of division to distinguish between awareness and what's found here? 
So far my answers no. 
But I keep looking. 
Not for answers, but to further explore all that's been offered to me right here, in this present moment, and the only time I find in this awareness. 

So what do I really know? 

And my world unfolds from here. 


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